Education Loan Assistance

GAMC > Education Loan Assistance

Education Loan Assistance

Studying abroad is being opted by a number of students because of quality of education offered by foreign universities or education providers. This number is increasing drastically day-by-day. As the time passes, the international education is becoming more and more expensive. Many people come under pressure and feel their pocket is draining by paying the fees for international study. This is because fee for international student is generally higher than that of domestic (local) student.

Feeling this sense before process, some parents may drop plans of arranging international education for their child. Don’t do so. Our expert counsellor will analyse your circumstances including last education result, result of English Language Test, financial arrangements, required funding, etc. Our expert counsellor will suggest you the best option out of many alternatives for getting loan. Our counsellor will assist you to get education loan which will cut your financial problems in pieces.

The amount of loan may be decided by banks / financial organisation under different rules. The very basic rules (not all) could be as below.

  • Student have offered a place at an international university or college
  • Good score in last qualification
  • Student has met and satisfied all criteria for getting offer and enrolled at a university / institution.
  • Student has a co-applicant (could be parents, grandparents, brother and sister, etc.) to apply loan
  • The co-applicant has to prove certain level of income

To get rid of problems and hurdles in applying loan and its approval, we encourage you to get it done well before actual necessity. Our counsellors are more than happy to be at your service to assist you in education loan process too.